Hamlet 3rd Edition Book Release
Dr.Ramachandra Deva had translated William Shakespears HAMLET to Kannada. It was an extremely popular translation for a very long time. However recently prints have not even available. Prof. Pradhan Gurudatt and C. Basavalingaiah releasing the 3rd edition of translation of Hamlet on Sunday,22nd May 2016 at 10.30AM, Maneangala, Kalamandir ,Mysore.
Plays of Dr. Ramachandra Deva staged by different troupes
Dr Ramachandra Deva’s plays were staged by different theatre troupes of Karnataka. Translations of Samuel Beckett`s Endgame and Happy Days were staged by Rangayana, Mysore, a repertory group, in 1991, when B. V. Karanth was its director. Translation of Shakespeare`s The Tempest was first staged by Ninasam, Heggodu, a drama school, in 1988.